Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The India Story by O2U

Outsourcing Services
Outsourcing Services
Why Outsource to India? Just as the Gulf has its natural resources in crude oil and South Africa in diamonds, India’s natural resource lie in its abundant technically skilled manpower. India is the world’s second largest exporter of software (after the U.S.), and is the source of management and technical talent for over 40 per cent of new start-ups in Silicon Valley. Thanks to its large English-speaking scientific and higher education institutions, specialist computer institutes, and low costs of software talent, India has more software companies with ISO 9000 certification than any other country in the world.
Outsourcing is an old concept, but its increasing popularity among leading organizations is what is making it coveted. Companies, through out the world have willingly accepted outsourcing, and are allocating there in-house operations to several other organizations situated in all parts of the world.
There is more than enough evidence of the superlative role that Indians play in the progress of the Net. The impact of India’s success abroad is also being felt. The stars of the Indian Internet industry are the Web solutions and Web ware companies, many of whom have made the transition from offshore turnkey and services companies to full-fledged e-commerce service providers and Web strategy consultants. IT heavyweights like Microsoft, Intel, Cisco and Compaq always feature India prominently in their itineraries.
Outsourcing facilitates you with a great deal of freedom. Maneuvering your work force as per the tasks in hand doesn’t sound quite possible. Outsourcing makes it achievable. One can actually get the workforce required for a particular project. In addition to it, your company cannot be proficient in all the areas. No need to feel handicapped. Outsource what you are not brilliant at. The endless benefits of Outsourcing are evident, as the whole world is moving towards it.

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